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I am a 21 years old young woman from Botswana. A christian who got born again not so long ago.

Every word in those statements hold more power than meets the eye.Each one could independently give a story of a thousand words about me. OK maybe not exactly EACH WORD!
Just focus on these :

  21 years old (pretend its all just one word)
  young woman

Lets start first with Botswana. 
My beloved home is an African country which is still undergoing development. Its economy is not one to be proud of and the government is not helping either according to me. The youth over here are not given much of opportunities to make something out of themselves and i have seen young Batswana trying their best to rise on their own but got blocked by the top people who are supposed to be helping.Anyways i am not trying to get political.

Now lets do Young Woman:
Women have always been a special case, especially in developing countries. This is because as it is well known,women according to history have been vulnerable to abuse and inequality in many ways. African tradition kind of encourages that and been a young woman in Africa means growing up to unequal  opportunities and a lot of limitations. Do not get me wrong, we are not totally savage..but the truth is the whole equality act is just for the surface act in Africa, we have not yet reached that vision that we preach.

(in this particular topic however, i wont dwell much because i have too much to say and the feminists might not like what i have to shall be  a topic for another day)

Next is my age, 21 years old:
I have always wondered what  exchange students think when they come here and see that at 21 we are still extremely under the control of our parents, do not have cars of our own and our parents seem  not bothered by us still living with them.It is at this age that i believe i should have a clear direction of my life, but the African environment does not help much.Its only a few young people who can be successful young and have their life in order here.its either they have 21st century informed parents or were just brave enough to go against their parent and chase their dreams to success.

I have dreams that i wish to live but my parents just do not understand. To them a 21 year old young woman should be all about school until they graduate and go find a good job.They totally play oblivious to the fact its not that easy anymore and that we might have dreams of our own. Here,at 21 you do not have a voice or the ability to think about what you want out of life.

The best for last, Christian:
Rather than just "christian" focus on "newly born again christian"..
I have always tried to fully commit my life to Christ but have always backslid. But i finally managed to truly commit and i am not ashamed to say that i am a child of God.

Being a christian, especially an amateur is very hard, your faith is tested every day with the simplest of things. When you see a christian looking all organised, happy and peaceful you would think that life is very easy and that they are perfect. Its not so, sadly.


So i am a black woman who so trying to make something out of herself in a country that does not really have much of a support system to lean on, not even my parents can support me, they do not know what i want and they have never stopped to ask. i would never try to explain to them that i want to take over that i want to take over the corporate world and i want to do it now,they would tell me that i am too young and that school comes first.So i am trying to do it behind their backs, and in doing it,i face challenges every day that work against my faith and i can never compromise when my relationship with God is at stake. I know i am not the only one out there. This blog is to show the everyday struggle of a black young christian woman on her journey to the top and an opportunity for my audience to witness live my rise.


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