A friend of mine got a loan from his sister's ex about two months back and they agreed that she would pay him back by installments for the next three months. Lets call my friend 'Layla" and the guy  "Steve".

When Layla's sister and Steve were dating Layla was the only one in the family who knew about the relationship and she felt that Steve was good for her sister. When the two broke up (Steve got 
dumped), Steve remained in contact with Layla. She thought he was like a big brother but to Steve it turned out to be more. He started hitting on her and she resisted for two years and just when he was about to give up, she realized she was falling for him but dared not to date her sister's ex.

FAST FORWARD .... She one day gets a brilliant idea of starting up a mini business, she asks for a loan, he gives her the loan and then she unfortunately fails to recover the money on the agreed time. She apologizes to him for it and asks for more time, and he is mad that he had to ask about the payment first before she could explain her problem and apologize..

Now out of the blew Steve pops up demanding his money (she thought she was granted more time ) and when she tries to explain that she does not have it yet,he pulls out his lowest bar! he says

 "you know what, i know how you girls are, you just wanted my money and nothing more, you can keep it,i don;t need it"

She felt so offended that she told the guy that she just got motivated to work harder to pay him back no matter what he says and she wants to even include interest which they never spoke of just to prove that she is not a GOLD DIGGER! Yes the guy called her a gold digger!


I met this nice guy last year, i was on my way to school and was so going to be late for a test, he offers me a ride and I being me refused but eventually he convinced me and i got in..He asks me out to lunch, i say no (typical!) and he says if i feel uncomfortable with a stranger i can invite as many friends as i want, he wins again. After lunch he drops off my friend and on his way to dropping me off he wants to stop by his motel room and get something. I am no fool, i know there is nothing to pick up there but i play dumb anyways..when we got there, he invites me in,don't ask what i was thinking when i went in, i know it was stupid.While there he tried to forcefully kiss me, but i pushed him off and demanded that he take me home. He apologized and took me home and on the way he tells me he really want to have sex with me.I told him to stop all that talk  and i thought he did. 2 days later her offers money, shopping and an expensive gadget in exchange for sex. when i said no he says

"you got some ego and it is not going to take you anywhere in life, you should be thankful that men like me find you very attractive cause you need us to make it in life.If you keep letting your pride get in the way you will never make it in life"

 If you are a sister and you just said "oh hell no he didn't! "  , well he did .Yes those were his exact words!

So i need to know this: who on earth said that all women are gold diggers?
                                      who in which planet said that i need a man to be someone in life?
and i need to chat with those sisters that gave these men that impression because i do not believe that they just came up with this theory out of nowhere!



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